Take Time this Holiday Season to Think Healthcare

Talk to Our Health Insurance Consultants in Atlanta Before the HolidaysThe holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year. You’re running around trying to find everyone on your list the perfect gifts, searching through recipes for Grandma’s homemade apple pie, cleaning your home for guests and trying to wrap presents without your kids sneaking a peek.But, are you ready?Not just for Christmas but for 2014 healthcare changes?Seriously, after hanging up the lights outside, take time to learn about these changes and the Affordable Care Act. Sooner than you know it, they will take effect. We want you to be ready!Do you have your plan in force? Will you take the penalty? Do you know the laws to protect yourself from the penalties? Do you have questions about your current plan?These are all good questions that many are having.Well, don’t worry, we can help! Just contact our health insurance consultants in Atlanta to find the answers to your questions. Call Cynthia, Donna or Sherri at 678-681-6555.You can also check out the websites below:•    www.healthcare.gov •    www.dol.gov/ebsa/healthreformMerry Christmas and happy New Year! Remember, to take time to think about your 2014 healthcare options!


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