Burst Pipes? Be Sure to Report Your Claim

Burst PipeAs we head back toward a normal Georgia winter, it’s almost hard to remember last week’s record freezing weather. That’s until you look around your home. If you are like many Atlantans, you may still be surveying the damage.Most Georgia homes are not built to withstand a bone-chilling 7 degrees. That’s why your pipes may have frozen and possibly burst. If that’s your case, here are a few tips from Patch to keep in mind for next time:•    Keep garage doors closed. Most homes have water supply lines in the garage that can be frozen if the door is left open.•    Let cold water drip. For faucets served by exposed pipes, running even a trickle of water helps prevent freezing.•    Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors. Doing this allows warmer air to circulate around the plumbing. (Be sure to remove harmful cleaners and household chemical up out of the reach of children and pets.)•    Keep the thermostat set to the same temperature. It may cause a higher heating bill but will prevent a more costly repair job if any pipes freeze and burst.What can you do now? Well, Patch also suggests having a professional relocate exposed pipes to provide increased protection from freezing. Additionally, add insulation to attics, basements and crawl spaces. Insulation will maintain higher temps in these areas.If you do have damage, be sure to report it to your insurance provider. Oftentimes, homeowners insurance in Atlanta will cover a majority of the damage. So, while your house may not look pretty now, it will get back to normal soon.If you have any concerns regarding what to do about your claim, call Risk & Insurance Consultants today. Also, visit www.riskandconsultants.com to learn more about our services.


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