What Can You Do to Protect Your Home Against Summer Storms?

Summer Storm Protection‘Tis the season…for summer thunderstorms. And not just for regular thunderstorms, but also for those that revolve around the eyes of hurricanes and tropical storms, supercharged by the warm waters of the Gulf and the Atlantic and stretching out to cover huge swaths of sky. Even if your home is hundreds of miles inland, it can still be damaged by these tropical systems, which can hurl copious amounts of rain, hail, lightning and wind around even after they cross over the coastline.That’s why it’s not only important to have homeowner’s insurance in Atlanta, but to also take preemptive measures to protect your home should Mother Nature’s alphabetically-named problem children come knocking. To prevent excessive storm damage from happening in the first place, consider these basic tips:Keep any tall shrubs and trees around your home trimmed, especially if they have shallow root systems. Pine trees in particular are notorious for uprooting themselves in strong wind storms and crashing through roofs. If you notice one of your trees start to lean one way because of an uneven number of branches weighing it down or if it’s dying, get the tree trimmed up or removed altogether before the next storm strikes. Also, fewer tall trees on your property means you’ll be less likely to draw lightning near to or onto your house. For more information about recognizing hazardous trees, visit the University of Florida’s Storm Damage prevention and treatment page.Protect the exterior of your home from wind, hail and rain by making sure shingles, siding, outdoor light fixtures and satellite dishes are secure. Damage to any of these can allow water into your home, causing possible ceiling stains, mildew and mold.Yard equipment and trash cans should also be safely put away, so they are not slammed into the house or through windows during a storm.Lock all doors and windows in addition to closing them. Winds have been known to open doors and windows that are not latched or dead-bolted, causing more damage to the interior of the home. If you are looking to replace your old windows, consider some of the new impact resistant windows available on the market today that have glass designed to withstand the impact of a 9 lb 2x4 at 35 miles per hour.Lastly, clear your gutters regularly of all clogs, and check them for loose pieces. Overflow from gutters causes excessive water to build around the base of the house, a potential threat to the foundation. If you are scared of heights, there are plenty of services that will maintain your gutters for you. For more tips on protecting your home from summer storms, visit Redbeacon.com.Give your home further protection against the elements by contacting a Risk & Insurance Consultants agent today! Just call 404-459-5975.


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