Protect Your Treasures with Homeowners Insurance in Atlanta

Among the things that you treasure the most, we know that your home is at the top of the list. At Risk & Insurance Consultants, we help you find the best personal insurance that protects these things and more.To cover the roof over your head plus everything under it, we will start by getting you the perfect homeowners or renters insurance. Homeowners insurance provides:•    Dwelling Coverage. This refers to the part of the policy that pays to replace the structural components of your home damaged by weather including hail or lightning plus fire or other causes. Dwelling Coverage does not include flooding, this is a separate policy.•    Other Structures Coverage. This includes detached garages and other buildings on your property.•    Personal Property Coverage. This protects your personal and household items that may be stolen or destroyed by a fire. Items include furniture, clothing, electronics, sports equipment and more.•    Loss of Use Coverage. This provides for your living expenses in case your home is inhabitable due to a covered claim. Loss of Use Coverage usually covers hotel and restaurant bills and other living expenses.•    Liability Insurance. This covers you if someone gets injured on your property. Liability Insurance also covers other family members and pets.Most know they need homeowners insurance in Atlanta, but many may not know the importance of renters insurance. Though landlords should have insurance for the building you live in, renters insurance covers everything you own inside that building. This includes furniture and personal possessions. In case of a fire, break-in or even plumbing leakage, you will be covered. Policies usually have small premiums in comparison to how much it would cost to replace everything.To discuss personal insurance, set up an appointment with us today. Just call 404-459-5975. We hope to see you soon, and be sure to look out for our next post about auto coverage!


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