Tips for Staying Safe While Trick-or-Treating

Keep Trick-or-Treaters SafeHalloween is one of the most popular holidays for children of all ages. Yes, that includes adults too! What’s not to love about getting free candy, dressing up in your favorite costume and making fun memories with family and friends? The last thing you want to worry about is your little ghosts and goblins getting hurt and ruining this special time of year.Fortunately, there are several simple safety tips that you can use to help prevent injuries and accidents from happening on Halloween:•    Children that are 12 and under should be accompanied by an adult or older sibling while trick-or- treating.•    If a mask is worn, make sure there are nose and mouth openings and that the eyes have wide enough openings to make it easy for children to see.•    Be sure your children have either light colored costumes, flashlights, glow sticks or reflective tape on their costumes or treat bags to make it easier for drivers to spot them.•    Teach your children basic everyday safety tips such as looking both ways before crossing the street and crossing at a crosswalk with light.•    Plan and discuss the route you’re taking with your children and only travel to familiar areas.•    Teach your children to only go to well-lit houses and to never enter a stranger’s home.•    Let your children know not to eat any treats until they get home and you can thoroughly inspect them for anything that is open or suspicious looking.•    Make sure to establish a time to return home prior to your children heading out.In addition to these tips, you want to make sure that your home is a safe place for those cute and scary little trick-or-treaters.•    Make sure you check your outdoor lighting, and replace any burned out bulbs.•    Remove any items from your front yard and porch that could cause a youngster to trip, including hoses, bikes, toys and lawn decorations.•    Make sure your pets are restrained so that you don’t take a risk of them jumping on or biting anyone.By following these simple safety tips, you can help make sure this Halloween is a great experience filled with fun, happy memories for you, your family and friends.If you have any questions, just contact our insurance agents in Sandy Springs at 404-459-5975. Also, receive updates on Facebook.


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